Touching Lives

Hi everybody!

Welcome to the Mdala School Project  Blog. We are so excited that you can join us on this journey as dreams become a reality.

Mdala Village is a very rural African village situated high up in the mountains east of Lake Malawi about 64km / 40 miles from the nearest tar road.

The need for a school in this area has been obvious for as long as we can remember. The fact is, it’s not just one school that’s needed, the area could do with at least two more schools! It’s an unfortunate and sad fact, but many children do not attend school, not because they don’t want to but because there simply is no school for them to attend!

Living in very rural areas as the people do, they find themselves literally at the proverbial “End of the Line,” and access is not always easy. The tragic reality is that most development work usually occurs in easily accessible areas, and rural people tend to be missed out.

The ruralness of the village poses its own logistical problems that have to be overcome – the largest being accessibility. the road to the village is not what most Westerners would call  a road with its rickety bridges, jagged rocks that destroy tires and a rainy season that reduces the clay road to a sticky quagmire. It’s along this road that all the building materials are dragged by tractor and trailer.

At the end of the day though, the challenges and obstacles are worth it, and will be overcome! You see, this project is not about walls and roofs and classrooms. It’s about creating opportunities. It’s about little children having the opportunity of an education, something we in the Western world take for granted. It’s about creating opportunities where previously none existed and then opening those avenues and helping people to venture into bright and exciting futures. It’s all about touching lives…

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7 thoughts on “Touching Lives

  1. Lyndsay

    Wow!The school is looking great. It’s so exciting to see what’s happening. I love this site and can’t wait to see how the school progresses.Much love and prayers.

  2. Rev. Nelson Abraham

    This is great progress since I last visited. Keep it Up! Every Blessing from God for completion.
    Will be praying….

  3. annie

    This is wonderful , the school is even larger than i expected. I so look forward to seeing the progress. God is good . I especially like the pictures of that hard working , Andrew Squire 🙂

  4. This is quite exciting! Praying for all that God has in store inside these classrooms!

  5. Megan Gratz

    Very exciting project! Will be watching it closely! Maybe my classroom will be relocated!

  6. John V Thomas

    Wonderful – thanks for serving in this way. God bless you all.

  7. Colleen Lochard

    Wonderful to see the progress after lots of hard work and set backs along the way! We do so wish we could come and give you a hand! Keep us all up to date with what the needs are so if we are able we can help!

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